
Monday, September 27, 2021

Having Faith In Me

 LI:Having faith in me 

Somebody who has faith in me is someone I will not give up on

Somebody who cherish me is somebody I will keep until they give up on me 

Somebody who supports every decision I make whether it's wrong or right is somebody who has my full attention

Somebody who loves me no matter how wrong or right I do them is somebody who has my full protection 

Somebody who walks beside me,behind me,in front of me as I slowly walk into the right path to my future is somebody who i'll give my all to 

Somebody who will help me dodge a bullet is someone who i'll take the bullet for 

Those who respect me is the ones who i'll die for 

Those who help me at my lowest is the ones who i helped get to their highest 

The ones that put a smile on my face is the ones god bless me with 

The ones who I lost throughout my life is the ones god removed from my life because he heard things I didn't

Those who hate me for different reasons are those who broke faith between the bond we shared

Somebody who believes me when no one else does is a living blessing god sent you to heal your wounds.

Sombody who has faith in me are God himself and the blessings he sent to

I respect the ones who have faith in me not come and and go

This activity was about what you say about the faith people have in me.Something I learnt about this activity is listening and seeking tho ones who have faith no the oppsite.I believe that people who dont have faith in me is because their wounds of hurt isnt healed with peace.

Who Inspires me to drive to the better

 LI:To write a letter about someone who drives you to the better.

In life the person I want to thank who drives me to be better is my mother.

My mother has lifted me up from my lowest and nothing is better than being able to experience the special kind of love a mother has.

When I Slowly reach my successful destination it is like the help of my mothers arms who lifts me so I could reach my final destination.  

My mothers strong words have inspired me to be the best I can so I can make my mother proud.

If there was anything I could do for my mother it would be to give her the life she always dreamed of. 

In my past and present people blame my mother for the wrong I do.My mother has always raised me to be a successful person but I do wrong on my own so I tell people don't underestimate my mothers parenting because of the wrong things I do on my own.

All the wrongs I have chosen in the past and till the day I still stand are my decisions not my mothers. They try and help me drive to my successful path but instead I always choose to do wrong but every decision I make whether it's wrong or right my wrongs always turn into lessons.

This story is about someone I would like to give all my apperciation for helping me drive to the better.My mother is someone who always gets all my apperciation for doing everything she can do for me to have the life I have upto this day.Doing this activity helped me realize my success I reach is because of my mum.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

10 words

 LI:List the 10 words you think are the most important to desribe the event.

  1. Nonviolent

  2. Peaceful protesters 

  3. Leadership

  4. Forgiveness 

  5. Respectful

  6. Grieving

  7. Unstoppable 

  8. Sacrifice 

  9. Risk takers

  10. Honourable

These 10 words are the most important words I thought would describe the event that took place that is known as The Mau Movement.Something I found intresting about doing this activity was using my knowledge I knew that would make a describtive word painting wiritng.This was a little bit hard for me because I try using words I knew instead of searching words up but these are 10 words I could think of.

List Poem

 LI:Write a list poem to describe the events and the feeling/actions of the people involved

The feelings behind The Mau Movement

Grieving souls mourn in pain 

While other children and women still remain

Children are screaming in the mist of helpless air

While dying souls are starring in the glare of the lord's prayer 

The overtaking control of many human beings

Are like the surroundings of bangs pleading for scared feelings

Forgiveness is so hard to give to those who are hard to forgive 

But us Samoans are the arms of God so we forgive the negative that people give to those that still remain here.

Many years have passed and souls still grieve but the question is above all the darkness that is still wandering in our golden hearts,why do we Samoans and Pacific forgive so easily?

The answer is that God said to always forgive not because they deserve forgiveness but you deserve peace.

Our people of Samoa, people of the Pacific should not drown in the past but lighten up to remain back in the future.

We should dance and flow with peace that God gives to us and not let the past interfere with the peace.

This is my poem I have written to describe the feelings/actions of peom involved in The Mau Movement .

Soemthing that is important to always remember is that forgiving isn't something that someone sometimes deserve but because you deserve peace after all the pressure.Something I learnt about The Mau Movement that impacted on me is that such ruthless Germans/New Zealanders fired and took peaceful protesters away from their homes and their loved ones.Because they wanted to achieve their independence for the ones who come and through new generations and to always remain in peace.

Cinquain Poem

 LI:Using your skins character to write a cinquain poem to describe them and their reactive styles.

This week is about posting our work that still awaits to be published.This activity is about writing a cinquian poem to describe your favourite skin character.I chose raven because his kind is something I have intrest in,Ghostly character's.Something I found intrest about this activity was writing a cinquain in your own creativty ideas to write a cinquain poem.

Teel Paragraph

 LI:To write a paragraph describing what you would do if you were standing in this season of the game.

This activity we have done during our distance was about Exploring Online Gaming.I have written a teel paragraph about how I would describe if I was standing in the season of the game.This activity is something I have expericenced  about but not the background and history of it.Something I found Interesting about this activity was being able to know about the Online gaming so much people are so into these days.

Writing words

 LI:To solve the problem to find out how many narritive words were written in week 4.

This week our focus is about blogging out fantastic work that we left wandering in our google drive.This DLO explains how I worked out the solution to how many narritive words Mele wrote in week 4.My thinking of how trying to solve the problem is the clues are Mele wrote a narrtive 6000 words in it.In the first week 657 words were written,in the second week 493 words written.In the last clue that left us was 1183 were written in week 4.If you add all the number clues togetehr it give us a total of 2333.If you add 367 our total gives us 6000.Something I found interesting is if you are solving a problem with number use the clues that were left then put them together to create a solution.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

The Mau Movement Presentation

 LI:To create a presentation about the history/event you are recently researching.

The Mau Movement

Mau movement - Wikipedia

photo by wikipedia

The MAU Movement by smulipola on emaze

photo by emaze

This week for distance learning is history.I have chosen to research more about my pacific side and I came across Bullets on Black Saturday,Black Saturday was always known as The Mau Movement in Samoa.My presentation is on the link above,the link will take you to my presenation I did on The Mau Movement in Samoa.That will hopefully take you step by step of understanding the backgorund story of The Mau movement in Samoa.Many things impacted on me when I started researching more about what happen in Samoa.The Mau Movement was about a nonvolient movement for Samoa independence.Years later Samoa got an apology and acheived their independence.Something I found Interesting about researching about The Mau Movement is having the apperciation for my people in the past generations who scarfice their lives to give Samoa what they have today and every other day.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The Mau Movement Teel Paragraph/Pacific History

 LI:To create a Teel paragraph that tells us what your time/event in history is.

Samoa Food: Black Saturday, hiding in the bush and finally, Independence!

Photo by SamoablackSaturday

The Mau was a nonviolent movement for Samoan independence from colonial rule during the first of the 20 century. Mau means resolute or resolved. A tragedy then happened during the Mau movement in the capital of Apia in Samoa on the 28th of December 1929. This day is known as Black Saturday in Samoa. Black Saturday is a day that commemorates Jesus lying in the tomb until his resurrection on Easter day.

The worst circumstance in New Zealand's relationship with Samoa occurred on Saturday 28 December 1929. It was caused by a noisy disturbance that exploded during a Mau parade along Apia's waterfront to welcome home two members who had been forced to leave their home and to never return back to New Zealand. The military police were also sent to target the unarmed and peaceful protesters of Samoa by Stephen Allen. The New Zealand military police started to fire on the peaceful protestors because first the Samoans didn’t trust the police and decided to throw stones at them. Then our brave confident leader who everyone looks up to, Tupua Tamasese Lealofi lll, went in front of the crowd  to stop the people who were throwing stones and to say we have come in peace. Eventually one of the military police officers shot him then shot many more who came to try and comfort the dying soul of our Ofisa (Chief) Tupua Tamasese Lealofi lll and men who were a part of the Mau movement.

The shooting went off for many hours until the clock struck 6:30pm, then the screaming of frightened children and widowed women (those who lost their brave husbands or spouse to a bullet wound caused by New Zealanders military police) had stopped. The day after that the 29th of December 1929 Tupua Tamasese Lealofi lll has fully lost his life along with many other men and children due to the incident that happened during the Mau movement. Sunday was an even terrifying day after the death of many men including the chief Tupua Tamasese Lealofi lll, where the Soldiers of New Zealand were raiding Samoan homes and killing men who were part of the Mau movement who were still alive. They never stopped looking for the men but the men were gone before they even knew it. Many more died during the search for the men of the Mau movement by the military soldiers confusing themselves by thinking they were about to attack but they weren't they were scared and looking for safety.

Many years had passed along with many men who were leaders themselves were set to rest and return to our heavenly father Jesus. To remain in peace and happiness. To pass on the beautiful words Tupua Tamasese Lealofi lll said before his final breath,

“Samoa filemu pea, ma si o’u toto nei ta’uvalea, a ia aoga lo’u mo lenei mea”( My blood has been spilt for Samoa. I’m proud to give it, do not dream of avenging it, as it was too spilled to maintain peace. If I die, peace must be maintained at any price.). 

70 years later Helen Clark the Prime Minister of New Zealand in 2002 gave a full apology on behalf of the government to admit their action and taking families away were wrong. Now from today Samoa is still keeping Tupua Tamasese Lealofi lll’s word. Peace is still being maintained and forgiveness is still hard to give to those that have taken away their loved ones but they forgive to forget.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Anime/Manga Character Profile

 LI:To create a character profile

Our challenge was to choose our favourite anime/manga character. Our next challenge was to draw the character on our chromebooks or on paper. I chose to draw my character on google drawing because I wanted to work on my patience of taking my time and drawing about a task that is given.Our final challenge was to write a paragraph that describes our character and explains why this character is your favourite.I enjoyed this activity because since I don't watch Anime or anything to do with Animation I chose to use a character that best describes my intrests so I chose Kuribayashi Shino.

Recreating Famous Artworks

 LI: To use Google Draw to recreate a famous artwork

LI: To use your knowledge of colour and colour mixing to replicate the colours used in the artworks.

This week we have been learning about famous artworks and colour mixing. The artwork I chose was the girl with a pearl earring by Johannes Vermeer. This artwork was painted in 1665.It was painted because the girl was asked to clean the marsters studio and Johannes Vermeer asked if he could paint her.Today it can be found in Mauritshuis museum in the Hague.Did you know the background sotry behind the girl wiht a pearl earring represents a young women in a dark shallow space, an intimate setting that draws a veiwer's attention exclusively on her.Unlike the mona lisa the painting of the gierl with a pearl earring isnt a potrait but a tronie.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Manga Artist

 LI:To read for meaning and understaing.

Our challenge today was to use our smart searching skills to create a DLO in our own words that tells us about the life of our favourite manga artist or a well known manga artist.A fact I found interesting is learning more about a popluar creator work and finding more information about their background history. That is my interesting fact I found interesting because I never knew much about the Anime History until i researched.

The History of Manga

 LI:To read for meaning and understanding.

Our challenge today was to complete a reading comprehension about the history of Manga to show that we are reading for meaning and understanding. Our final challenge in this activity was to create a DLO to share the information we found out.A fact I found interesting is since I dont really watch Manga or Anime and I don't know anything about it, until I researched about the history of Manga I was inspired of Osamu Tezuka work and it made me want to learn more of Manga and as I will.Osamu Tezuka work should be known throughout every generation that is being held no matter what happens Osamu Tezuka work should be known and kept alive until every knows about his independant work he created with such a wonderful and creative mindset.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Costomized Shoes

 LI:Creating a design of customized shoes of what u woould do if you were to customized a pair of shoes.

This week we created a pair of shoes.the reason why I chose to design my shoes like this is because I thought about the article of Rangi Haira Jaxon Greening about the shoe desgins he does that expressed his Maori Culture.Well this desgin of shoes I made is me expressing the love and apperciation I have to be apart of my Samoan Culture.I enjoyed this activity because I got design a shoe of my choice of  designing
 because I was inspired from Rangi Haira Jaxon Greening.My shoe designed is based on about my love of my culture and being the leader of following my beliefs.

Summary DLO

 LI:To explain in fewer words what the text is about.

This week for reading we focused on Rangi Haira Jaxon Greening, and his very amazing shoe customizations. Rangi Haira Jaxon Greening is a 44 year old man, and he customizes shoes, but not for his passion for art and sneakers, but to show the world what his culture is and what it represents. Something I found interesting about reading about the Article of Rangi Haira Jaxon Greening is him expressing his Maori cultrure designing on desgining amazing shoe designs.