
Monday, August 30, 2021

A letter to my future self

LI:To create a letter to your futre self. 

Hola,Malo Lava and last but not least Kia Ora Future self,I am proud of where you are today and also proud of who you are.I know many ups and downs blew out your flame but you always found a way to light it back up.You may be still going through it all but I know you always find a way to escape.You have changed so much since the last time i've ever seen you succeed.Remember God has a plan for you no matter what and he is always there for you even when you don't want it .I see you've learnt to do you before doing others but especially learnt to try and reach your succeed when your on your own.Remember people come and go,here's a prayer i want you to remember and pass on

I asked for strength and God gave me Difficulties to make me strong.

I asked for Wisdom and God gave me problems to solve.

I asked for courage and God gave me a struggle to overcome.

I asked for favours and God gave me opportunities.

I received nothing I wanted but I received everything I needed.

I know you feel everyday you make multiple mistakes but God forgives you and helps make them into lessons.Not every time you will succeed but remember to keep the negativity out of the way and make sure nothing but a positive mindset is stable enough to keep your Hauora walls standing up.Things are going to be better you just have to be patient,have faith in me and trust in me.I look forward to seeing you grow into the beautiful,strong person you were raised to be.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Slam Poetry

 LI:Write a slam poetry 

I am something that may cause a lot of damage,so be careful to use the right language.

I can be easy to find, but also difficult to be kind.

You may see people you love who may fight,because my heart left nothing but unfixable pieces behind

You might hear the loud cries of grieving souls up high,but it's because I always end it with a goodbye.

I am something that may break a lot of bonds,just because people don't use me in the correct way

I am what people find hard to accomplish 

I am the thing that people never want to let go 

I am something that can turn somebody’s bright world upside down due to my mood swings 

I can be nice when used properly but also difficult to handle when things go the wrong way when unexpected

I can be somebody’s saviour when put in the right situation.

I bring up and downs 

I bring peace when i am happy 

I bring terror when i am feeling angry 

I bring faith when light is shone upon the person hands i am currently in,who blesses me with nothing but happy feelings

I am something that comes and goes due to my mood I want to be in 

I bring peace when accomplish 

I am Trust

This is my slam poetry about trust.This poetry explains how trust in my predicition would be if handled right or handled in a wrong suitation.Something I found interesting about doing this activity is that I got to use my knowledge about what trust would be if we could see it , hold it , touch it , feel it.

Water Saftey Swimming

 LI:To learn how to be safe in water.

This week we have been taking water saftey lessons to help us be safe in water weither its shallow or deep.Taking these lessons every Thrusday is something that helps us build more on water saftey.There is two groups split throughout our half an hour session , shallow and deep side. The deep side is for students are really confident in deep water and the shallow medium side is for students who are less confident to swim.Something I found intereting about taking water saftey lessons is that it help build my confidence in water saftey.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Ancient Olympic Games Presentation

LI: To skim and scan to find facts about the Ancient Olympics and make notes in my own words.

We used our reading time this week to find out about the Ancient Greek Olympics. Once we had made our notes and reorganised our information we collaboratively created a presentation.I found out what during the five days of the Ancient Olympics while held.I enjoyed this activity because I got find out more about Ancient Olympics and found out more history even some that I didnt think would exisit.An interesting fact about the Ancient Olympics is that if married women were caught sneaking into the Olympic games they were thrown off Mt Olympus.


LI:Create a diagram about Hauora

In order to be able to perform at their best athletes need to have a four walls of the whare tapawha standing. We created this poster to show what each wall represents and why it is important.I found out by learning and hearing others opinions what they fought the atheletes felt when they one a medal or if the athelete did'nt succed in the end.I enjoyed this activtiy because I worked colloboratly with Liane and because I felt confident sharing what I knew or had.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Hauora For everyone


Athletes need to have both body & mind physically and mentally stable for them to be a good athlete. Me and my parnter Liane worked colloboratively to combined both our ideas to explain a statment using our knowledge of Hauora.

Athletes at the top of there field train mentally and physically because it both the body & mind that need to be strong to have balance as an athlete . It is important to enjoy and celebrate the sucess you earn but it is equally as important to embrace the unsucessful times. It is the lessons you take from loosing that makes you stronger & wiser .Even when you hit a negative midnset you still need to learn to remain calm in stressful situations . It is having a self belief in yourself and the support of you whanau to keep you motivated.
- Liane and Lily

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Coding with Python

 LI:To see and understand the connection between the written code , the block and the flow chart.

This is the comparison between the Python coding , the blocks and the flowchart for making the Microbit act like a dice.Something I found interesting about expericing the Python coding is being able to understand the written codes and asking for help even when I am not confident.Something I learnt about Python coding is to understand the simple codings its trying to tell me to do.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Mindfulnesss Reflection

 LI:To remove the negativty from your mind 

the mindfulness bell is treated liek a toangaThis week LS2 focused on mindfulness. Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling right now.Mindfulness is about focusing on the present and leaving the past behind.LS2 than sat in circle facing the opposite direction of everyone and loosen their stomach,hands on our knees and focused by breathing in and out slowly so our body and mind can relax.As the bell rang each one us breathed in and out while our mind was slowly approaching the green zone.As I body was relax our mind was wandering in calm position.Mindfulness helps our mind proceed towards the green zone so we can slowly escape from the red zone.Something I found interesting was knowing about the mindfulness bell is treated as a toanga and everytime it structure it is a sign of a relaxing postion.

Everyone goes into the red zone which is negative emotions. To change the red zone into green zone,

we used the mindfulness bell to change the mood into calm and relaxed.