
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Statistical Investigation

LI:To plan and carry out a statistical investigation 

Our  task in maths today was carrying out a statistical investigation to gather   data to create a data graph of the questions we asked people  in LS2 . I worked with Te Raumati so we could think about four questions to ask people and then in the end we have to scan through all of questions and think about what question was best to use for data graph . As you can see we picked Whats LS2's favourite colour,  we noticed that  40.0%  LS2 chose blue making it the most popular. Something I found interesting is getting to talk to different people and what their answers were. In the beginning I predicted that more people would pick the colour purple or white because a lot of people would have used white when colouring in something or using colours to create their DLO. 

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