
Tuesday, July 27, 2021


 LI: To use provocation to understand both sides of the story

A provocation is a act or speech that triggers emotion in others.

Our provocation that we were given was It’s costing Japan 15.4 billion dollars US to host the Olympics. Should host countries have to spend so much money on building Olympics venues? I worked collaboratively` together with Juel and we both formed our own opinions on what we think about the provocation.

We both shared the same opinion that we are against the provocation and that they should not be spending that much amount of money on the Olympic venues of they are going to be left and are going to be run down and not going to be used again.

Something I found Ineresting about doing this taskwith my peers,Is being able to learn from the and work with them them.Expercining Juel's thinking help me learn more about olympics and reading.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Matariki Harvest

 LI:Create a DLO about food that is harvest in Matariki.

Matariki is the Maori new year celebration. It takes places each year when the cluster of stars known as Matariki are seen in our skies. The new year is a time for new beginnings and is a time to embrace tradition.
To strengthen our connections to Matariki we had a choice of research activities.I enjoyed this task because I got to use my researching skills to find out the food harvested in Matariki.Something I learnt about harvest foods in matariki is all the different foods harvest throughout the session of Matariki.


 LI: To strengthen our connections to Matariki.

Matariki is the Maori new year celebration. It takes places each year when the cluster of stars known as Matariki are seen in our skies. The new year is a time for new beginnings and is a time to embrace tradition.
To strengthen our connections to Matariki we had a choice of research activities.

I found out why does Matariki disappear in May and reappear in June,July.
I enjoyed this task because I revisted my knowledge about Matariki and learnt from my group and worked together.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Ancient Greece posing

 LI: To use our smart searching skills to expand our knowledge of Ancient Greek Mythology.

Today David shared the next reading challenge with us. It is all about the Greek gods and helps us to practise the skills we have been learning in our reading lessons with our teachers. 

David created this task as part of his CARE award challenges. In this posting activity, we first pick five Gods or Goddesses and pick an image from around the world or the God or Goddess and write a caption for the post.

I found this activity interesting because we got to use this task as an instagram post but of the goddess.

The post that I found most interesting was Hera because one of the captions we used was It is hard to be the goddess of marriage when normally everyone usually cheats on everyone!.

Organizing and Researching

 LI: To use our smart searching skills to expand our knowledge of Ancient Greek Mythology.

Today David shared the next reading challenge with us. It is all about the Greek gods and helps us to practise the skills we have been learning in our reading lessons with our teachers. 

David created this task as part of his CARE award challenges. In this smart searching activity, we used our comprehension and research skills to learn about Greek Mythology vocabulary and identify Greek places on the map.

I found this activity interesting because I got to use my researching skills of ancient history to find out the places.

The word/place I found most interesting was Olympus because Zeus the god of the sky and his wife Hera the goddess of marriage.

Identifying Comprasion

 LI: To use our smart searching skills to expand our knowledge of Ancient Greek Mythology

Today David shared the next reading challenge with us. It is all about the Greek gods and helps us to practise the skills we have been learning in our reading lessons with our teachers. 

David created this task as part of his CARE award challenges. In this smart searching activity, we used our comprehension and research skills to learn about the difference between Athens and Sparta.

I found this activity intresting because I got to identify the different comprasion between Athens and Sparta.

The fact I found most interesting was … because …

Greek Gods

LI:To use our smart searching skills to find imformation about the Greek Gods 

Today David shared his reading challenge with us. It is all about the Greek gods and helps us to practise the skills we have been learning in our reading lessons with our teachers. 

David created this task as part of his CARE award challenges. We earn CARE award badges in year 7 and 8 to show that we understand our school values. In this activity we used our smart searching skills to find information to help us complete the table.

I found this activity fun because I love experencing the ancient history about greek gods.

The Greek god I found most interesting was Hera because she is the goddess of Marriage and famailies.Sometimes marriage and families isnt always a miracle at the end of the day some always end up sepearating.

Thursday, July 1, 2021


LI:To edit our writing using DRAFT.

This week for writing  LS2  has been focusing on Abstract Noun Poems. Our abstract noun is about culture. An Abstract noun is something that exists but you cannot touch, an abstract noun also comes with metaphors and 5 senses. The 5 senses we use to make our poem powerful is using smell,taste,hear,feeling and see. Something that helped us write our abstract nouns  is using Metaphors , Simile , complex sentences , punctuation, complex sentences and word hippo.The poem starts with a definition of the abstract noun we've chosen and the next sentence starts with it is … using one of the senses.LS2 definition  or using DRAFT is Delete,Rearrange,Fix,Talk.Something I found interesting is being able to work with my partener and learning from eachother.Something I learnt about abstract noun is being able to write a powerful poem that will create a painted picture of words in the readers mind.

Coding in Python

 LI:To learn how to code the Microbit in Python

This first one shows the Python codingfor a flashing heart. It flashes between a small heart icon and a large heart icon.The main thing to notice between the Python coding and the bkocks is that the forever loop is at the top and bottom of the content in both.

For this example for coding the buttons, the main thing to notice is the "def" whcih is defining hat the on_button_presses will amke the microbit do.Again this ahs a top and bottom so the contest has to go inside it.

Something I found interesting about using coding in Python is being able to write the steps instead of using blocks.